.SNP File Extension

.SNP File Extension

Access Report Snapshot

Developer Microsoft

Average rating 3.1 / 5. Vote count: 14

Category Page Layout Files
Format .SNP
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an SNP file?

The .SNP file extension is associated with Microsoft Access, specifically used for storing report snapshots generated from Access reports. It contains a static image of a report at a specific point in time, capturing data and layout details.

More Information.

Microsoft Access first introduced the .SNP format to enable users to distribute snapshots of reports to individuals who did not have access to the Access database itself. It was particularly useful for sharing formatted data and layout details in a static, non-editable format.

Origin Of This File.

Introduced as part of Microsoft Access, .SNP files were designed to provide a way to share static versions of reports without requiring the recipient to have access to the original database.

File Structure Technical Specification.

  • Format: Binary format containing a snapshot of the report.
  • Content: Includes data, formatting, and layout information from the original Access report.
  • Compatibility: Originally used by older versions of Microsoft Access; newer versions have transitioned to other formats for similar purposes.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Microsoft Access: Open the .SNP file in Microsoft Access.
  2. Save As: Go to File > Save As and choose a different format like PDF, XLSX, or CSV.


  1. Wine: Use Wine (Windows compatibility layer) to run Microsoft Access.
  2. Access Viewer: Open the .SNP file in Access Viewer via Wine.
  3. Convert: Once opened, save the file in a compatible format like PDF using Access Viewer or similar tools.


  1. Microsoft Access for Mac: Open the .SNP file in Microsoft Access for Mac.
  2. Export: Go to File > Export and select a format such as PDF.


  1. File Conversion App: Use a file conversion app from the Play Store that supports .SNP to PDF or other formats.
  2. Online Conversion Tools: Upload the .SNP file to online conversion websites that support file format conversions.


  1. Third-Party Apps: Use third-party apps from the App Store that support .SNP file viewing or conversion.
  2. Cloud Services: Upload the .SNP file to cloud services that offer file conversion capabilities.


  1. Online Conversion Tools: Use online file conversion services that support .SNP files.
  2. Cross-Platform Software: Utilize cross-platform software that can handle .SNP files, such as LibreOffice (with Wine on Linux) or compatible viewers on other platforms.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Provides a snapshot of a report’s current state for distribution.
  • Preserves formatting and layout details accurately.
  • Can be viewed without the need for Microsoft Access.


  • Static nature makes it non-editable.
  • Requires compatible software to view, which may not be available on all platforms.

How to Open SNP?

Open In Windows

Use Microsoft Access or a compatible viewer.

Open In Linux

View with Wine (Windows compatibility layer) and Access Viewer.

Open In MAC

Use Microsoft Access for Mac or convert to a compatible format like PDF.

Open In Android

Requires a compatible viewer or conversion app.

Open In IOS

Access through apps that support .SNP files or convert to a compatible format.

Open in Others

Compatibility may vary; use software that supports .SNP files or convert to more widely supported formats like PDF for broader accessibility.

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