.SPRITE File Extension

.SPRITE File Extension

Scratch Sprite File

Developer MIT

Average rating 4.1 / 5. Vote count: 58

Category Raster Image Files
Format .SPRITE
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an SPRITE file?

Files with the .SPRITE extension typically contain graphical data used for sprites in computer graphics and game development. Sprites are 2D images or animations integrated into larger scenes or games.

More Information.

.SPRITE files were designed to store images or animations of characters, objects, or effects within video games, allowing for easy manipulation and integration into game environments.

Origin Of This File.

The .SPRITE file format originates from the need to efficiently store and manage graphical elements, commonly used in early video games and multimedia applications.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The structure of .SPRITE files can vary depending on the software or game engine used. Generally, they include metadata about the sprite dimensions, color depth, and animation frames if applicable. The actual image or animation data is encoded in a format compatible with the rendering engine or game framework.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using Software Tools:
    • Use a sprite editor such as Aseprite, Adobe Photoshop, or compatible software.
    • Open the .SPRITE file in the editor.
    • Export or save the sprite as a more common format like PNG or JPEG.


  1. Using Software Tools:
    • Use sprite editors like Aseprite, GIMP, or compatible software.
    • Open the .SPRITE file in the editor on Linux.
    • Export or save the sprite as PNG or JPEG format, which are widely supported.


  1. Using Software Tools:
    • Utilize sprite editors such as Aseprite, Adobe Photoshop, or compatible software for macOS.
    • Open the .SPRITE file in the editor.
    • Export or save the sprite as PNG or JPEG format suitable for your needs.


  1. Integration with Game Engines:
    • If using .SPRITE files in Android applications, integrate them into a game engine like Unity or Unreal Engine.
    • Export or convert sprites within the game engine to formats supported by Android, such as PNG or JPEG.


  1. Integration with iOS Development:
    • Use game engines like Unity or custom rendering solutions compatible with iOS frameworks.
    • Import .SPRITE files into the development environment.
    • Export or convert sprites to formats like PNG or JPEG suitable for iOS applications.

Others (General Approach):

  1. Using Compatible Software:
    • Identify sprite editing software or game engines compatible with your target platform.
    • Open .SPRITE files in the chosen software.
    • Export or save the sprites in widely supported formats like PNG or JPEG for use in other applications or platforms.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Efficient storage of graphical data.
  • Fast rendering and manipulation of sprites in real-time applications.


  • May require specific software or game engine to create or edit.
  • Compatibility issues between different versions or platforms.

How to Open SPRITE?

Open In Windows

Open .SPRITE files on Windows using compatible game development software or dedicated sprite editing tools like Aseprite or Adobe Photoshop with appropriate plugins.

Open In Linux

Use sprite editors available for Linux platforms such as Aseprite, GIMP, or compatible software through Wine or other emulation solutions.

Open In MAC

macOS users can open .SPRITE files using tools like Aseprite, Adobe Photoshop, or other sprite editing software compatible with macOS.

Open In Android

.SPRITE files can be used in Android applications through integration with game engines or graphics libraries supporting sprite rendering and animation.

Open In IOS

On iOS, .SPRITE files are typically integrated into applications developed using game engines like Unity or by implementing custom rendering solutions compatible with iOS frameworks.

Open in Others

.SPRITE files can be opened on other platforms through compatible software or by converting to widely supported formats for use in web applications, multimedia projects, or other software environments.

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