.SQM File Extension

.SQM File Extension

Service Quality Monitoring File

Developer Microsoft

Average rating 3.6 / 5. Vote count: 18

Category System Files
Format .SQM
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an SQM file?

.SQM files, short for Service Quality Monitoring files, are data files used primarily by Microsoft products to collect and store information related to system performance, usage statistics, and error reporting. They are often generated automatically as part of the software’s monitoring and reporting functions.

More Information.

Initially introduced with Windows operating systems, .SQM files were designed to assist developers in monitoring and improving the quality of their software products. They are integral to Microsoft’s approach to gathering telemetry and user experience data.

Origin Of This File.

.SQM files were introduced by Microsoft to gather data that helps in analyzing software performance, identifying bugs, and understanding user behavior. They serve as a mechanism for feedback and improvement in software development and maintenance.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.SQM files are typically structured in a format that includes various metrics, timestamps, and identifiers. They may contain aggregated usage statistics, error codes, and information about system configurations. The exact structure and contents can vary based on the application generating them.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Manual Parsing:
    • Use a text editor like Notepad or a code editor to open the .SQM file.
    • Extract relevant data by identifying patterns or using scripts if the file structure is known.
  2. Third-Party Tools:
    • Look for specialized software or tools that can parse .SQM files and extract data into CSV, JSON, or other readable formats.
    • Example tools might include telemetry analysis software or file conversion utilities.


  1. Scripting:
    • Use scripting languages like Python, Perl, or Bash to parse the .SQM file.
    • Write scripts that read the file’s contents and extract relevant data into a usable format.
  2. Third-Party Tools:
    • Search for Linux-compatible tools that can handle .SQM files. These might include telemetry analysis tools or converters designed for cross-platform use.


  1. Manual Parsing:
    • Open the .SQM file using a text editor or specialized macOS applications that support viewing structured data.
    • Extract data manually based on the file’s structure and format.
  2. Third-Party Software:
    • Look for third-party software applications designed to handle .SQM files on macOS.
    • These may include converters or viewers that can extract data into a readable format.


  1. Third-Party Apps:
    • Find Android apps on the Google Play Store that support opening and converting .SQM files.
    • Such apps may provide conversion to readable formats suitable for mobile devices.


  1. Third-Party Apps:
    • Search for iOS apps on the App Store that can handle .SQM files.
    • These apps might offer functionality to convert or view .SQM files in a user-friendly format on iOS devices.

Other Operating Systems:

  1. Custom Development:
    • For less common operating systems or specific requirements, custom development may be necessary.
    • Develop scripts or programs tailored to parse and convert .SQM files into usable formats.
  2. Virtualization or Emulation:
    • Consider using virtual machines or emulation software to run compatible Windows applications that can handle .SQM files.
    • This approach can be complex but may provide access to tools that are otherwise unavailable on certain operating systems.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Provide valuable insights into software performance and user behavior.
  • Aid in diagnosing and fixing software bugs and issues.
  • Enable software developers to make data-driven decisions for improvements.


  • Privacy concerns as they may contain user-specific information.
  • Storage overhead as they accumulate over time.
  • Interpretation can be complex without appropriate tools and expertise.

How to Open SQM?

Open In Windows

.SQM files can be opened natively by various Microsoft applications or with third-party tools designed for parsing telemetry data.

Open In Linux

Viewing .SQM files on Linux usually requires specialized tools or manual parsing due to compatibility limitations with Microsoft-specific formats.

Open In MAC

Similar to Linux, macOS does not natively support .SQM files, necessitating the use of third-party software or manual parsing methods.

Open In Android

.SQM files are typically not directly accessible or supported on mobile operating systems like Android and iOS without specialized software or conversion tools.

Open In IOS

.SQM files are typically not directly accessible or supported on mobile operating systems like Android and iOS without specialized software or conversion tools.

Open in Others

For other operating systems or platforms, viewing .SQM files may require custom development or adaptation of existing tools due to the proprietary nature of the format.

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