.SRW File Extension

.SRW File Extension

Samsung RAW Image

Developer Samsung

Average rating 3.3 / 5. Vote count: 24

Category Camera Raw Files
Format .SRW
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an SRW file?

The .SRW file extension is primarily associated with Samsung RAW image files. RAW image files contain minimally processed data from the image sensor of a digital camera.

Compressed formats like JPEG, RAW files retain all the original data captured by the camera’s sensor, providing photographers with maximum flexibility during post-processing.

More Information.

The history of the .SRW file extension traces back to the evolution of digital photography and Samsung’s foray into the camera market.

As digital cameras gained popularity, manufacturers sought to develop proprietary RAW formats to differentiate their products and provide users with specialized tools for image processing.

Samsung entered the digital camera arena with its innovative lineup of mirrorless and DSLR cameras, each equipped with advanced sensor technology.

To complement these devices, Samsung introduced the .SRW format, aiming to cater to the needs of professional and enthusiast photographers who demanded uncompromising image quality and flexibility.

Origin Of This File.

Samsung, a prominent player in the consumer electronics market, introduced the .SRW file extension as the proprietary RAW image format for its line of digital cameras.

The format was designed to preserve the utmost image quality and provide photographers with the raw sensor data needed for advanced editing and manipulation.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .SRW file format stores raw image data captured directly from the camera sensor without any compression or processing.

This raw sensor data includes information such as pixel values, color depth, and metadata. Unlike standardized RAW formats like Adobe’s DNG (Digital Negative), the .SRW format is proprietary to Samsung cameras.

The technical specifications of the .SRW file format may vary depending on the specific model of Samsung camera used to capture the image.

Common features include a high bit depth (typically 12 or 14 bits per channel), support for multiple color spaces (such as sRGB and Adobe RGB), and embedded metadata containing camera settings and shooting information.

How to Convert the File?

To overcome compatibility issues or to share .SRW files with others who may not have access to Samsung-specific software, conversion to a more widely supported format may be necessary. Several methods can be employed to convert .SRW files:

  1. Samsung Software: Samsung provides proprietary software, such as Samsung RAW Converter, which allows users to convert .SRW files to other formats like JPEG or TIFF.
  2. Third-Party Converters: Various third-party software applications support the conversion of .SRW files to formats like Adobe DNG or JPEG. Examples include Adobe Camera Raw, Capture One, and RawTherapee.
  3. Online Converters: Several online conversion services offer the ability to upload .SRW files and convert them to more common formats. However, users should exercise caution when using online converters to ensure the security and privacy of their files.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Uncompressed Raw Data: .SRW files preserve all the original sensor data captured by the camera, allowing for extensive post-processing without loss of quality.
  2. Flexibility: With access to raw sensor data, photographers can adjust exposure, white balance, and other parameters with greater precision than JPEG or other compressed formats.
  3. Compatibility: Many popular image editing software packages support the .SRW format, enabling seamless integration into existing workflows.


  1. Proprietary Nature: As a proprietary format, .SRW files may not be fully compatible with all image editing software, requiring users to rely on Samsung’s proprietary tools or converters.
  2. Large File Size: Raw image files tend to be significantly larger than compressed formats like JPEG, requiring more storage space and potentially longer processing times.
  3. Complexity: Working with raw image files requires specialized knowledge and software, making it less accessible to novice photographers.

How to Open SRW?

Open In Windows

  • On Windows, users can utilize Samsung’s proprietary software, such as Samsung RAW Converter or Samsung Camera Manager, to view and edit .SRW files. Alternatively, third-party software like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom also supports .SRW files with the appropriate plugins or updates.

Open In Linux

  • While fewer options are available for Linux users, open-source software like RawTherapee or Darktable may support .SRW files with the appropriate plugins or updates. Additionally, some online conversion services may offer Linux-compatible solutions for converting .SRW files to more common formats.

Open In MAC

  • MacOS users can use applications like Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, or Apple’s own Photos app to open and edit .SRW files. Again, ensure that the software is up to date and supports the specific .SRW format.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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