.STYK File Extension

.STYK File Extension

Stykz Stick Figure

Developer Sons of Thunder Software

Average rating 4 / 5. Vote count: 2

Category Data Files
Format .STYK
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an STYK file?

.STYK files serve as the native file format for Stykz stick figure animations. These files encapsulate the various elements comprising a stick figure animation, including the positions of individual limbs, frames, transitions, and accompanying audio, if any.

As a proprietary format specific to Stykz, .STYK files maintain the fidelity of created animations, preserving the creator’s artistic vision.

More Information.

Stykz emerged during a time when the demand for user-friendly animation software was on the rise. Its inception was fueled by a desire to democratize animation creation, making it accessible to enthusiasts and professionals alike.

The .STYK file extension played a pivotal role in this endeavor, serving as the vessel for storing and exchanging stick figure animations.

Origin Of This File.

The genesis of Stykz traces back to the early 2000s, inspired by Pivot Stickfigure Animator, a popular tool for creating stick figure animations.

Developed by Sons of Thunder Software, Stykz aimed to provide an intuitive interface and robust features for users interested in stick figure animation. The .STYK file extension emerged as the designated format for saving and sharing Stykz projects.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.STYK files adhere to a structured format optimized for storing stick figure animations. At their core, these files consist of data points representing the various elements of a stick figure, such as joints, limbs, and keyframes.

Additionally, metadata detailing animation properties, frame duration, and playback settings are embedded within the file. This structured approach ensures compatibility and interoperability across different instances of Stykz.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .STYK files to alternative formats enables interoperability across different animation software. Several methods for conversion include:

  1. Exporting: Stykz offers built-in export functionality, allowing users to convert .STYK files to popular formats such as GIF or AVI for broader compatibility.
  2. Third-Party Tools: Various third-party conversion tools specialize in transforming .STYK files into formats supported by leading animation software suites.
  3. Manual Conversion: In some cases, manual conversion may be necessary, involving exporting individual frames or sequences from Stykz and importing them into the desired software.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Accessibility: .STYK files can be easily shared and edited across various platforms, fostering collaboration within the animation community.
  2. Compactness: Despite containing detailed animation data, .STYK files maintain a relatively small file size, ensuring efficient storage and transmission.
  3. Customizability: Stykz offers extensive customization options, allowing users to tailor stick figure animations to their precise specifications.


  1. Limited Features: While Stykz excels in stick figure animation, its feature set may be perceived as limited compared to more robust animation software.
  2. Compatibility: .STYK files are primarily compatible with Stykz and may require conversion for use in other animation programs.

How to Open STYK?

Open In Windows

  • Stykz is compatible with Windows operating systems, enabling seamless opening and editing of .STYK files.

Open In Linux

  • While Stykz may not have native support for Linux, users can explore compatibility options such as Wine or virtualization to run the software on Linux distributions.

Open In MAC

  • tykz offers support for MacOS, ensuring Mac users can effortlessly access and manipulate .STYK files.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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