.SXD File Extension

.SXD File Extension

ArcScene Document

Developer ESRI

Average rating 3.1 / 5. Vote count: 9

Category GIS Files
Format .SXD
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an SXD file?

The .SXD file extension is associated with ArcScene, a component of the ArcGIS suite by Esri, used for 3D visualization and analysis of geographic information systems (GIS) data. These files store 3D scenes created in ArcScene.

More Information.

ArcScene and the .SXD file format were developed to provide advanced 3D visualization capabilities within the ArcGIS environment. Initially, the purpose was to allow GIS professionals to create, manage, and analyze 3D spatial data, offering a more intuitive and visual way to interpret complex geographic information.

Origin Of This File.

The .SXD file format originates from Esri, a global market leader in GIS software. It was specifically developed to support the functionality of ArcScene, enabling users to work with 3D spatial data.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .SXD file structure includes:

  • Metadata: Information about the file, including author, creation date, and other descriptive data.
  • Scene Data: Contains references to the 3D datasets, symbology, and layout information necessary to render the 3D scene.
  • Configuration Settings: User-defined settings for visualization, such as lighting, shading, and camera angles.

How to Convert the File?


  1. ArcScene to COLLADA (.dae):
    • Open your .SXD file in ArcScene.
    • Navigate to File > Export > 3D Export.
    • Choose COLLADA (.dae) as the export format.
    • Follow the prompts to save your file.
  2. ArcScene to 3D PDF:
    • Open your .SXD file in ArcScene.
    • Navigate to File > Export > 3D Export.
    • Choose 3D PDF as the export format.
    • Save your file and configure export settings as needed.


  • Since ArcScene is not natively available on Linux, consider using a Windows emulator like Wine or running a virtual machine with Windows installed. Follow the Windows instructions mentioned above for conversion.


  • Similar to Linux, ArcScene is not available for macOS. Use a virtual machine (e.g., VMware, Parallels) running Windows, or Boot Camp to run Windows on your Mac. Then, follow the Windows instructions for conversion.


  • Directly opening .SXD files on Android is not supported. You’ll need to export the 3D scene from ArcScene to a compatible format such as COLLADA (.dae) or 3D PDF, then use apps that support these formats for viewing on Android.


  • Opening .SXD files on iOS is not directly supported. Export the 3D scene from ArcScene to a compatible format like COLLADA (.dae) or 3D PDF. Use apps that can handle these formats for viewing on iOS devices.


  • Web-Based Viewers: Upload your exported COLLADA (.dae) or 3D PDF files to online platforms that support 3D visualization.
  • Third-Party GIS Software: Some GIS software may offer import options for COLLADA (.dae) or 3D PDF files. Check compatibility and follow their specific instructions for importing and viewing 3D scenes.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Enhanced Visualization: Provides a realistic representation of geographic data in 3D, making it easier to understand spatial relationships and patterns.
  • Interactivity: Allows users to interact with the 3D scenes, rotating, zooming, and exploring the data from different perspectives.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other Esri products and supports various data formats.


  • Software Dependency: Requires ArcScene or other compatible Esri software to open and edit.
  • Complexity: May be complex for new users to learn and navigate, especially those unfamiliar with GIS concepts.
  • Resource Intensive: High demands on hardware resources, particularly for rendering large and detailed 3D scenes.

How to Open SXD?

Open In Windows

  • ArcScene (part of the ArcGIS suite)
  • ArcGIS Pro (with 3D Analyst extension)

Open In Linux

ArcScene is not natively available for Linux. However, users can run Windows applications on Linux using compatibility layers like Wine, though this is not officially supported by Esri.

Open In MAC

Similar to Linux, ArcScene is not natively available for macOS. Users can use virtual machines (VMware, Parallels) or Boot Camp to run Windows and ArcScene on a Mac.

Open In Android

Direct opening of .SXD files on Android is not supported. Users may need to export the 3D scene to a compatible format viewable on Android.

Open In IOS

Direct opening of .SXD files on iOS is not supported. Users may need to export the 3D scene to a compatible format viewable on iOS.

Open in Others

  • Web-based Viewers: Exported 3D scenes can be viewed using web-based GIS applications that support the respective formats.
  • Third-Party GIS Applications: Some third-party GIS applications may offer limited support for Esri file formats or allow for conversion and viewing.

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