.TBX File Extension

.TBX File Extension

ArcGIS for Desktop Toolbox File

Developer ESRI

Average rating 3.3 / 5. Vote count: 8

Category Data Files
Format .TBX
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an TBX file?

The .TBX file extension is associated with ArcGIS for Desktop, a renowned geographic information system (GIS) software developed by Esri.

This file format is specifically utilized for storing toolbox files within the ArcGIS environment. These toolbox files play a crucial role in organizing and managing geoprocessing tools and models, facilitating efficient spatial data analysis and management.

More Information.

The .TBX file extension was introduced as a means to encapsulate collections of geoprocessing tools, scripts, and models within ArcGIS for Desktop.

These toolbox files serve as centralized repositories for organizing and accessing geospatial processing capabilities, enhancing workflow efficiency and productivity for GIS practitioners.

Origin Of This File.

The .TBX file extension originated within the realm of ArcGIS, which has been a staple in the GIS community for decades.

ArcGIS, developed by Esri, has continually evolved to meet the diverse needs of GIS professionals across various industries, including environmental science, urban planning, natural resource management, and more.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .TBX file format follows a structured layout designed to accommodate a variety of geoprocessing elements. Within a .TBX file, users can expect to find:

  1. Tool Collections: These contain individual geoprocessing tools, scripts, and models, organized into logical groupings based on functionality or workflow.
  2. Tool Properties: Each geoprocessing tool or model within a .TBX file includes metadata such as tool name, description, parameters, and input/output data specifications.
  3. Scripts & Models: .TBX files may include Python scripts, ArcGIS ModelBuilder models, or custom tool configurations tailored to specific geospatial analysis tasks.
  4. Documentation: Some .TBX files may include documentation or help files providing additional context or guidance on tool usage and functionality.

The technical specifications of the .TBX file formats are proprietary to ArcGIS and are optimized for compatibility with ArcGIS for Desktop software environments.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .TBX files to other formats is not a common practice due to the specialized nature of ArcGIS toolbox files.

Users may opt to extract individual geoprocessing tools or models from a .TBX file and save them in alternative formats such as Python script files (.py) or ArcGIS ModelBuilder files (.tbx).

To convert a .TBX file to a different format:

  1. Open ArcGIS for Desktop and navigate to the Catalog window.
  2. Locate the .TBX file you wish to convert.
  3. Right-click on the .TBX file and select “Export” or “Save As.”
  4. Choose the desired output format (e.g., Python script, ModelBuilder model) and specify the destination folder.
  5. Click “Save” to initiate the conversion process.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Organizational Efficiency: .TBX files provide a structured framework for organizing geoprocessing tools and models, facilitating efficient workflow management and tool accessibility.
  2. Portability: .TBX files can be easily shared and distributed among ArcGIS users, enabling seamless collaboration and knowledge exchange within GIS projects.
  3. Customization: Users can customize .TBX files to incorporate custom scripts, models, and tool configurations tailored to their specific geospatial analysis requirements.


  1. Compatibility: .TBX files are primarily compatible with ArcGIS for Desktop software, limiting their interoperability with other GIS platforms or software applications.
  2. Version Dependencies: .TBX files may exhibit compatibility issues when transferred between different versions of ArcGIS for Desktop, necessitating version-specific considerations during file sharing and collaboration.

How to Open TBX?

Open In Windows

  • Ensure you have ArcGIS for Desktop installed on your Windows PC.
  • Double-click on the .TBX file, or open ArcGIS for Desktop and navigate to the Catalog window to locate and open the .TBX file.

Open In Linux

  • ArcGIS for Desktop is not natively supported on Linux. However, you may be able to run it using compatibility layers like Wine or by setting up a virtual machine with a Windows operating system.

Open In MAC

  • ArcGIS for Desktop is not available for macOS. However, you can use ArcGIS Pro, a successor to ArcGIS for Desktop, which is compatible with macOS.
  • If you have ArcGIS Pro installed, you can double-click on the .TBX file or open ArcGIS Pro and navigate to the Catalog pane to open the .TBX file.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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