.TPX File Extension

.TPX File Extension

DeLorme Topo Project File

Developer DeLorme

Average rating 2.3 / 5. Vote count: 7

Category GIS Files
Format .TPX
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an TPX file?

The .TPX file extension is associated with DeLorme Topo software, primarily used for managing and displaying topographic maps and geographical data.

More Information.

Initially introduced as part of the DeLorme Topo software, .TPX files were designed to store topographic maps and related geographic data in a structured format.

Origin Of This File.

DeLorme, a mapping and navigation software company, developed the .TPX format for its Topo software suite.

File Structure Technical Specification.

  • Format: Binary or XML-based format.
  • Content: Contains geographical data, waypoints, routes, tracks, and other map-related information.
  • Compatibility: Used primarily within DeLorme Topo software environments.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using DeLorme Topo Software:
    • Open the .TPX file in DeLorme Topo software.
    • Export or save the data in a compatible format like GPX or KML.
  2. Third-Party Conversion Tools:
    • Use third-party GIS software capable of reading .TPX files and exporting them to other formats.
    • Examples include GPSBabel, which supports conversion between various GPS file formats.


  1. GPSBabel:
    • Install GPSBabel using your package manager (sudo apt-get install gpsbabel for Debian/Ubuntu).
    • Use command-line tools to convert .TPX to GPX or other supported formats (gpsbabel -i tpx -f input.tpx -o gpx -F output.gpx).
  2. QGIS:
    • Use QGIS, an open-source GIS software, to open .TPX files and export them to compatible formats.


  1. Use Conversion Tools:
    • Similar to Windows and Linux, utilize tools like GPSBabel or QGIS, which are available for macOS.
    • Install these tools via Homebrew or download directly from their respective websites.


  1. GPS Navigation Apps:
    • Install GPS navigation apps that support importing .TPX files or converting them to compatible formats.
    • Apps like Locus Map, OsmAnd, or OruxMaps may support .TPX file import or conversion.
  2. Online Conversion Tools:
    • Use online conversion services that support file format conversion. Upload the .TPX file and select the desired output format (GPX, KML, etc.).


  1. GPS Navigation Apps:
    • Similar to Android, look for GPS navigation apps on the App Store that support .TPX file import or conversion.
    • Apps like Gaia GPS, MotionX GPS, or Topo Maps may offer such functionality.


  1. Specialized GIS Software:
    • For less common platforms, use specialized GIS software capable of handling .TPX files.
    • Ensure the software supports conversion to widely used formats like GPX or KML.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Efficient storage of topographic and geographic data.
  • Designed for use with DeLorme mapping software.


  • Limited compatibility outside of DeLorme software.
  • Lack of widespread support in other GIS or mapping applications.

How to Open TPX?

Open In Windows

Requires DeLorme Topo software or compatible GIS software.

Open In Linux

Limited support; typically requires conversion to a more widely supported format.

Open In MAC

Similar to Linux, support may require conversion or specific software.

Open In Android

Limited native support; third-party apps or conversion may be necessary.

Open In IOS

Limited native support; third-party apps or conversion may be necessary.

Open in Others

Compatibility may vary; conversion tools or specialized GIS software may be required.

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