.TRX File Extension

TRX File Extension

Visual Studio Test Results File

Developer Microsoft

Average rating 4.1 / 5. Vote count: 22

Category Developer Files
Format .TRX
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an TRX file?

In the realm of software development, testing plays a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and functionality of applications.

To streamline this process, various testing frameworks and tools are employed, among which Microsoft’s Visual Studio stands out.

Visual Studio Test Results files, denoted by the .TRX file extensions, are a key component in the testing ecosystem, facilitating the storage and analysis of test results generated during the testing phase.

More Information.

The inception of the .TRX file format coincides with the evolution of Visual Studio as a comprehensive development platform.

Initially introduced as part of Visual Studio 2008, the .TRX file served as a standardized format for capturing test results across different testing methodologies and frameworks supported by the IDE.

Since then, it has become an integral aspect of the testing workflow within Visual Studio, offering a structured and organized means of storing test outcomes.

Origin Of This File.

The .TRX file extension is closely associated with Microsoft’s Visual Studio, a comprehensive integrated development environment (IDE) widely utilized for software development and testing.

Visual Studio provides robust testing capabilities through its testing framework, enabling developers to write, execute, and analyze tests efficiently.

The .TRX file emerges as the designated format for storing test results generated within the Visual Studio environment.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .TRX file adheres to a structured format designed to encapsulate various elements of test results comprehensively.

Primarily, it comprises XML (Extensible Markup Language) markup, making it both human-readable and machine-parseable.

The file structure typically encompasses metadata such as test run information, test definitions, execution details, and outcome summaries.

It includes details about individual test cases, including their names, execution status, duration, and any associated diagnostic data.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .TRX files to alternative formats involve several steps to ensure compatibility with different platforms and testing frameworks.

One approach is to utilize conversion tools or scripts designed to transform .TRX files into formats supported by the target environment.

For example, to convert .TRX files for Android development, developers can utilize tools that convert them to JUnit XML format, which is compatible with Android testing frameworks like Espresso.

Similarly, for iOS development, .TRX files can be converted to XCTest-compatible formats, enabling seamless integration with Xcode and XCTest.

These conversion processes typically involve parsing the XML structure of .TRX files and restructuring the data to adhere to the specifications of the target format.

Once converted, the resulting files can be imported into the respective development environments, allowing developers to analyze test results and streamline the testing process across different platforms.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Standardization: The .TRX format offers a standardized and consistent approach to storing test results within the Visual Studio ecosystem, facilitating seamless integration with other tools and processes.
  2. Comprehensive Data: By encapsulating various aspects of test execution, including test outcomes, diagnostics, and metadata, .TRX files provide a comprehensive overview of the testing process.
  3. Integration: Visual Studio’s native support for .TRX files enables seamless integration with other development and testing tools within the Microsoft ecosystem, enhancing workflow efficiency.


  1. Vendor Lock-in: While .TRX files excel within the Visual Studio environment, their utility may be limited outside of Microsoft’s ecosystem, potentially leading to vendor lock-in for organizations heavily reliant on Visual Studio for testing.
  2. Complexity: Despite its structured format, parsing and interpreting .TRX files programmatically can be complex, especially for developers unfamiliar with XML parsing or lacking access to specialized tools.

How to Open TRX?

Open In Windows

  1. By default, .TRX files can be opened and analyzed within Visual Studio on Windows-based systems.
  2. Alternatively, third-party tools or scripts may offer conversion options or compatibility with other testing frameworks.

Open In Linux

  1. While Visual Studio is not natively available on Linux, tools such as Mono or Visual Studio Code with appropriate extensions may offer limited support for .TRX files.
  2. Conversion to alternative formats like JUnit XML may facilitate compatibility with Linux-based testing frameworks such as JUnit or TestNG.

Open In MAC

  1. Similar to Linux, macOS lacks native support for Visual Studio, but tools like Visual Studio Code or JetBrains Rider may provide partial compatibility.
  2. Conversion to standardized formats like JUnit or NUnit XML may enable integration with macOS-compatible testing tools.

Open In Android

  1.  .TRX files generated within Visual Studio can be integrated with Android testing frameworks such as Espresso or Robolectric, allowing developers to analyze test results directly within the Android development environment.
  2.  To facilitate seamless integration with Android testing tools, .TRX files may be converted to standardized formats like JUnit XML, ensuring compatibility with Android Studio and other testing frameworks commonly used in Android development.

Open In IOS

  1.  .TRX files can be utilized within iOS development environments alongside XCTest, Apple’s native testing framework. Developers can import and analyze .TRX test results within Xcode, facilitating the testing process for iOS applications.
  2.  To ensure compatibility with iOS testing workflows, .TRX files may be converted to formats like JUnit XML or XCTest-compatible formats, enabling seamless integration with Xcode and XCTest-based test suites.

Open in Others

  1. For other platforms or specialized testing environments, custom conversion scripts or tools may be developed to translate .TRX files into formats compatible with the target ecosystem.
  2. Leveraging interoperability standards like JUnit XML or NUnit XML can facilitate cross-platform compatibility and integration with a wide range of testing frameworks.

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