.V File Extension

.V File Extension

Verilog Source Code File

Developer Accellera

Average rating 3.8 / 5. Vote count: 48

Category Developer Files
Format .V
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an V file?

The .V file extension is associated with Verilog, a hardware description language (HDL) used in digital circuit and system design. These files contain source code written in Verilog, which is used to describe the behavior of electronic systems. Verilog is widely used in the design and verification of digital circuits, especially in the field of integrated circuit (IC) design.

More Information.

Verilog was initially created as a means to model and simulate digital circuits. It allowed engineers to describe the behavior of electronic systems at a high level of abstraction, enabling them to design, verify, and test complex digital systems before physical implementation.

Origin Of This File.

The Verilog hardware description language was developed in the early 1980s by Phil Moorby at Gateway Design Automation Corporation. It was later standardized as IEEE 1364 in 1995 and has since undergone several revisions.

File Structure Technical Specification.

A .V file typically contains text-based source code written in the Verilog language. The code describes the structure and behavior of digital circuits using modules, signals, and procedural blocks. Verilog source code is hierarchical, allowing designers to organize their designs into reusable modules and submodules.

How to Convert the File?


To convert a .V file on Windows, you typically use synthesis tools provided by FPGA or ASIC vendors. These tools take Verilog source code as input and generate a hardware description suitable for implementation on specific hardware platforms. Some commonly used synthesis tools for Windows include Xilinx Vivado, Intel Quartus Prime, and Synopsys Synplify.


On Linux, you can also use synthesis tools provided by FPGA or ASIC vendors to convert .V files. The process is similar to that on Windows, where you use synthesis tools to generate a hardware description suitable for implementation on specific hardware platforms. Tools like Xilinx Vivado, Intel Quartus Prime, and Synopsys Synplify are commonly used on Linux systems as well.

macOS (Mac):

Mac users can utilize synthesis tools provided by FPGA or ASIC vendors to convert .V files. The process is similar to that on Windows and Linux, where you use synthesis tools to generate a hardware description suitable for implementation on specific hardware platforms. Tools like Xilinx Vivado, Intel Quartus Prime, and Synopsys Synplify may have macOS versions available for use.


Converting .V files on Android devices may be challenging due to the limited availability of synthesis tools and hardware resources on mobile platforms. However, you can use online Verilog compilers or cloud-based synthesis services accessible via mobile web browsers to convert Verilog source code into hardware descriptions.


Similar to Android, converting .V files directly on iOS devices may be challenging due to limited tool availability and hardware resources. However, you can utilize online Verilog compilers or cloud-based synthesis services accessible via mobile web browsers to convert Verilog source code into hardware descriptions on iOS devices.

Other Platforms:

On other platforms, such as online platforms or IDEs, you can use integrated synthesis tools or cloud-based services to convert .V files. Platforms like EDA Playground, which offer online Verilog simulation and synthesis capabilities, allow you to upload Verilog source code and generate hardware descriptions suitable for specific hardware platforms. Additionally, some IDEs may have built-in support for Verilog synthesis and conversion.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Verilog is widely used and supported in the electronic design automation (EDA) industry.
  2. It offers a high level of abstraction for describing complex digital systems.
  3. Verilog code can be easily simulated and synthesized for implementation on programmable logic devices (PLDs) or ASICs.


  1. Verilog can be verbose and complex, especially for large designs.
  2. It may not be as intuitive or readable as other hardware description languages.
  3. Writing efficient Verilog code requires a deep understanding of digital design principles and HDL coding practices.

How to Open V?

Open In Windows

.V files can be opened using any text editor such as Notepad, Notepad++, or Visual Studio Code.

Open In Linux

Similarly, text editors like Vim, Emacs, or gedit can be used to open .V files on Linux systems.

Open In MAC

TextEdit or other text editors available on macOS can be used to open .V files.

Open In Android

Apps like Turbo Editor or DroidEdit can be used to open .V files on Android devices.

Open In IOS

Textastic or Buffer Editor are examples of apps that can open .V files on iOS devices.

Open in Others

Various online platforms and IDEs like EDA Playground or Quartus Prime can also be used to view and edit Verilog source code.

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