.VDC File Extension

.VDC File Extension

IDRISI Vector Documentation File

Developer Clark Labs

Average rating 3.3 / 5. Vote count: 4

Category GIS Files
Format .VDC
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an VDC file?

IDRISI (Integrated Land and Water Resources Management) software uses .VDC files to store vector data documentation. These files provide crucial metadata and descriptions related to vector data layers within GIS projects.

More Information.

.IDRISI software was first released in the 1980s and has since been used widely in academic and professional GIS applications for spatial analysis and land resource management. .VDC files were designed to enhance the management and usability of vector data layers by providing detailed documentation.

Origin Of This File.

The IDRISI software suite, developed by Clark Labs at Clark University, originally introduced .VDC files to manage and document vector data within its GIS environment.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.VDC files typically contain metadata such as:

  • Vector Layer Information: Description of vector datasets, including attributes, geometry types, and coordinate systems.
  • Source and Usage Notes: Information about the origin of data, its quality, and any usage restrictions.
  • Projection and Coordinate System Details: Specifications on how spatial data is projected and georeferenced.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using IDRISI Software:
    • Open the .VDC file in IDRISI.
    • Export or save the vector data as a more common format like shapefile (.shp), which is widely supported in GIS software on Windows.


  1. IDRISI on Linux:
    • Run IDRISI software on Linux using compatibility layers like Wine or through virtualization.
    • Open the .VDC file within IDRISI.
    • Export the vector data to formats like shapefile (.shp) for broader compatibility with Linux GIS applications such as QGIS.

macOS (Mac):

  1. Using IDRISI on macOS:
    • Install IDRISI software that supports macOS, possibly through virtualization solutions.
    • Open the .VDC file in IDRISI.
    • Convert the vector data to a standard format like shapefile (.shp) for use in macOS GIS applications such as QGIS.


  1. Limited Direct Conversion:
    • Direct conversion of .VDC files on Android may not be feasible due to software limitations.
    • Consider using cloud-based conversion services or transferring files to a Windows/Linux/Mac environment for conversion using IDRISI software.


  1. Similar Limitations:
    • Conversion of .VDC files on iOS directly is not typically supported.
    • Transfer files to a compatible desktop platform for conversion using IDRISI or other GIS software.

Other Platforms:

  1. Cross-Platform Conversion:
    • Use IDRISI or compatible GIS software on supported platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac).
    • Convert .VDC files to standard GIS formats like shapefile (.shp), GeoJSON, or KML for use on other platforms such as web-based GIS applications.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Comprehensive Documentation: Helps in understanding and managing complex vector datasets.
  • Integration with IDRISI: Seamlessly integrates with IDRISI GIS software, enhancing usability and data management.


  • Software Specific: .VDC files are primarily used within IDRISI software, which might limit interoperability with other GIS platforms.
  • Dependency on IDRISI: Requires IDRISI software to fully utilize and interpret the data.

How to Open VDC?

Open In Windows

Open .VDC files using IDRISI software on Windows platforms.

Open In Linux

IDRISI software may run on Linux through compatibility layers or virtual machines.

Open In MAC

Use IDRISI software with macOS compatibility, possibly through virtualization.

Open In Android

Currently, direct compatibility on mobile platforms may be limited due to software dependencies.

Open In IOS

Currently, direct compatibility on mobile platforms may be limited due to software dependencies.

Open in Others

.VDC files to standard formats like shapefiles (.shp), which can be opened in many GIS applications such as QGIS, ArcGIS, and others.

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