.WCP File Extension

.WCP File Extension

WinDVD Creator Project File

Developer Apple and Corel

Average rating 3.3 / 5. Vote count: 7

Category Video Files
Format .WCP
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an WCP file?

The .WCP file extension is associated with WinDVD Creator, a software program used for DVD authoring and video editing. These files store project data and settings used in creating DVD video discs.

More Information.

The .WCP file format was created as part of WinDVD Creator, developed by Corel Corporation. It was designed with the initial purpose of enabling users to author and customize DVD video projects on Windows operating systems.

WinDVD Creator allowed users to create DVD menus, integrate video and audio files, and finalize them into playable DVD discs, making it a popular choice for home video editing and DVD creation tasks.

Origin Of This File.

WinDVD Creator was developed by Corel Corporation as part of their multimedia software lineup. It was designed primarily for Windows operating systems to enable users to create and customize DVD video projects.

File Structure Technical Specification.

  • File Type: WinDVD Creator Project File
  • File Format: Proprietary binary format
  • Contents: Contains project settings, video files, audio tracks, menus, and other elements used in DVD creation.
  • Software: Created and used exclusively by WinDVD Creator.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using WinDVD Creator:
    • Open the .WCP project file in WinDVD Creator.
    • Export or save the project in a compatible DVD video format (e.g., MPEG-2).


  1. Wine or Virtualization:
    • Use Wine to run WinDVD Creator on Linux.
    • Open the .WCP file within WinDVD Creator.
    • Export the project as MPEG-2 or another compatible format.


  1. Virtual Machine or Boot Camp:
    • Install Windows via Boot Camp or use a virtual machine (e.g., Parallels Desktop, VMware Fusion).
    • Install WinDVD Creator in the Windows environment.
    • Open and convert the .WCP file within WinDVD Creator as described for Windows.


  1. Unsupported:
    • Direct conversion of .WCP files on Android is not feasible due to the lack of WinDVD Creator or equivalent software.


  1. Unsupported:
    • Similar to Android, .WCP files cannot be converted directly on iOS devices due to software limitations.

Others (Non-Windows Platforms):

  1. Emulation or Virtualization:
    • Use emulation or virtualization software (e.g., Wine for Linux, virtual machines for other OS).
    • Install and run WinDVD Creator or a compatible software that supports .WCP files.
    • Convert the .WCP file to a more widely supported format like MPEG-2.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Allows detailed customization of DVD menus, video content, and audio tracks.
  • Integration with other Corel multimedia software for enhanced editing capabilities.


  • Proprietary format limits compatibility with other software.
  • Potential issues with file corruption due to its complex structure.

How to Open WCP?

Open In Windows

Open .WCP files directly in WinDVD Creator.

Open In Linux

Not natively supported; may require emulation or virtualization of Windows environment.

Open In MAC

Not natively supported; similar requirements as Linux.

Open In Android

Not supported due to the nature of the file and its software compatibility.

Open In IOS

Not supported for similar reasons.

Open in Others

Compatibility with other platforms is limited; requires specific software support or emulation.

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