.WDGT File Extension

.WDGT File Extension

Dashboard Widget

Developer Apple

Average rating 4.3 / 5. Vote count: 16

Category System Files
Format .WDGT
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an WDGT file?

.WDGT files are containers for Dashboard Widgets, which are mini-applications designed to perform specific tasks or provide information quickly and conveniently. They were first introduced by Apple Inc. as part of the Dashboard feature in macOS.

These widgets offer users easy access to various functionalities such as weather updates, calendar events, calculators, and more, all accessible from the desktop with a simple keystroke or gesture.

More Information.

The introduction of Dashboard Widgets marked a significant shift in user interface design, offering a blend of utility and aesthetics.

Apple aimed to streamline access to frequently used applications and information, enhancing user productivity and convenience.

This innovation aligned with Apple’s broader strategy of creating intuitive and user-friendly computing experiences.

Dashboard Widgets gained popularity among macOS users for their versatility and ease of use. Users could customize their desktops with widgets ranging from clocks and calendars to language translators and stock tickers.

This versatility contributed to the widespread adoption of Dashboard as an integral part of the macOS ecosystem.

Origin Of This File.

Dashboard Widgets were initially introduced in Mac OS X Tiger (10.4) in 2005, revolutionizing the way users interacted with their desktop environment.

The concept drew inspiration from the widgets feature in the early days of graphical user interfaces (GUIs), aiming to provide users with at-a-glance information and quick access to commonly used tools and utilities.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.WDGT files are essentially ZIP archives containing the necessary resources for a Dashboard Widget. These resources typically include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, image files, and property lists (plist) defining widget preferences and settings.

The structure of a .WDGT file follows the specifications outlined by Apple for Dashboard Widgets, ensuring compatibility and interoperability within the macOS environment.

The main components of a .WDGT file include:

  1. HTML/CSS/JavaScript: These files define the user interface and functionality of the widget. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) provides the structure, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) governs the presentation, and JavaScript handles interactivity and dynamic content generation.
  2. Images: Graphics and icons used within the widget interface are typically stored as image files (e.g., PNG, JPEG) within the .WDGT archive.
  3. Property Lists: Metadata and configuration settings for the widget are stored in property list files (plist), allowing users to customize widget behavior and appearance.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .WDGT files are not a standard procedure due to their specific association with Dashboard Widgets. Users might need to extract or modify the contents of .WDGT files for various reasons. Here’s a general guide on how to manage .WDGT files:

1. Extracting Contents:

  • Use a file compression utility like WinZip, 7-Zip, or macOS’s built-in Archive Utility to extract the contents of the .WDGT file.
  • Right-click on the .WDGT file and select “Extract” or “Extract Here” from the context menu, depending on your compression software.
  • Once extracted, you’ll have access to the individual files and resources that comprise the Dashboard Widget.

2. Modifying Resources:

  • Navigate to the extracted files and modify them as needed using appropriate software. For example, you can edit HTML, CSS, or JavaScript files using a text editor or IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
  • Make sure to adhere to the structure and specifications of Dashboard Widgets to maintain compatibility and functionality.

3. Repackaging (Optional):

  • After making changes, you can repack the modified files into a .WDGT file using the same compression utility.
  • Select the files and folders you want to include in the widget, then compress them into a ZIP archive.
  • Rename the resulting ZIP file with the .WDGT extension to create a new Dashboard Widget.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Accessibility: Widgets provide quick access to information and utilities directly from the desktop, enhancing user productivity and convenience.
  2. Customization: Users can personalize their desktops with a wide range of widgets tailored to their specific needs and preferences.
  3. Efficiency: Widgets consume minimal system resources, allowing users to multitask without impacting overall system performance.


  1. Limited Use: With the advent of newer macOS features and advancements in web technologies, the relevance and utility of Dashboard Widgets have diminished over time.
  2. Deprecated Feature: Apple deprecated the Dashboard feature in macOS Catalina (10.15), signaling the eventual discontinuation of support for Dashboard Widgets in future macOS releases.
  3. Security Concerns: As Dashboard Widgets run in a sandboxed environment, they may have limited access to system resources and pose security risks if not properly vetted.

How to Open WDGT?

Open In Windows

  • While Windows does not natively support .WDGT files, you can still extract their contents using file compression utilities such as WinZip or 7-Zip.
  • Right-click on the .WDGT file and select “Extract” or “Extract Here” from the context menu to access the widget’s resources.
  • Once extracted, you can explore the contents and view individual files using appropriate software. Full functionality may not be achievable without macOS’s Dashboard environment.

Open In Linux

  • Similar to Windows, Linux does not have native support for .WDGT files.
  • You can use file compression utilities like p7zip to extract the contents of .WDGT files.
  • Navigate to the extracted files and view them using compatible applications or text editors. Again, full functionality may not be possible without macOS.

Open In MAC

  • .WDGT files can be opened directly on macOS by double-clicking them. This action launches the Dashboard environment, where you can interact with the widget.
  • Alternatively, you can manually install .WDGT files by copying them to the “~/Library/Widgets” directory. Once installed, the widget will be accessible from the Dashboard.

Open In Android

  • Android does not support .WDGT files or macOS Dashboard Widgets.
  • Since Dashboard Widgets are specific to macOS, there is no direct way to open .WDGT files on Android devices.
  • You can explore alternative widget applications available on the Google Play Store for similar functionalities.

Open In IOS

  • Similarly, iOS does not support .WDGT files or macOS Dashboard Widgets.
  • As with Android, there is no direct method to open .WDGT files on iOS devices.
  • Look for widget applications available on the App Store that offer similar features and functionalities.

Open in Others

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