.WEBP File Extension

.WEBP file extention

WebP Image

Developer Google

Average rating 4 / 5. Vote count: 599

Category Raster Image Files
Format .WEBP
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an WEBP file?

The .WEBP file extension is a modern image format developed by Google. It is designed to provide efficient compression for images while maintaining high-quality visual content.

.WEBP files have gained popularity for their smaller file sizes and superior image quality, making them a valuable resource for web developers, designers, and anyone working with images.

More Information.

WEBP’s journey began as a project to address the limitations of existing image formats. With the increasing demand for faster web loading times, Google developed WEBP to reduce image file sizes without compromising quality.

This format’s primary purpose was to enhance the web user experience by delivering images that load quickly while retaining their visual appeal.

Origin Of This File.

The .WEBP file format was introduced by Google in 2010. It was created as an open-source alternative to other image formats like JPEG and PNG.

Google aimed to provide a format that offers better compression and quality, particularly for web use, where fast loading times and bandwidth efficiency are crucial.

File Structure Technical Specification.

A .WEBP file consists of a combination of lossless and lossy compression techniques, offering a flexible approach to image compression.

It uses both VP8 and VP9 video codecs to encode images. WEBP supports transparency, animation, and metadata. The file structure includes a header, chunks of image data, and optional chunks for additional features.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using Paint: Open the .WEBP file in Paint (included in Windows) and then click “File” > “Save as.” Choose the desired format (e.g., JPEG) from the drop-down menu and save the file.
  2. Using IrfanView: Download and install IrfanView, a free image viewer and editor for Windows. Open the .WEBP file, click “File” > “Save As,” and select your desired format.


  1. Using ImageMagick: Open the terminal and use the “convert” command provided by ImageMagick. For example, to convert a .WEBP file to JPEG, use the command:

convert input.webp output.jpg


  1. Using Preview: Open the .WEBP file in the Preview app. Then, go to “File” > “Export” and choose the desired format (e.g., JPEG). Click “Save” to convert and save the file in the new format.


  1. Using Apps: Install a free image viewer or converter app from the Google Play Store, such as “Photos” or “Simple Gallery.” Open the .WEBP file in the app and use its built-in conversion features to save the image in a different format.


  1. Using Photos App: Open the .WEBP file in the Photos app. Tap “Share” and then choose “Save Image.” The image will be saved in the default format, typically JPEG or HEIC, depending on your settings.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Smaller File Sizes: .WEBP files are significantly smaller than equivalent JPEG and PNG files, reducing bandwidth and improving loading times.
  2. High Image Quality: .WEBP maintains high-quality images, even at lower file sizes, making it an ideal choice for web graphics.
  3. Transparency Support: It offers lossless and lossy compression with transparency support, which is useful for images with varied backgrounds.
  4. Animation: .WEBP supports animations, making it a versatile choice for multimedia content.


  1. Limited Browser Support: While major web browsers now support .WEBP, older browsers may not display them correctly without additional support.
  2. Lossy Compression: Lossy compression may result in some loss of quality, especially at lower compression levels.
  3. Not Ideal for All Images: Some images may not benefit from .WEBP compression, especially those with intricate details or specific formats.

How to Open WEBP?

Open In Windows

  1. Use a web browser like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, which natively supports .WEBP files. Simply drag and drop the .WEBP file into the browser window to view it.
  2. Install a dedicated image viewer or editor like IrfanView, XnView, or PhotoScape. These programs can open .WEBP files easily.

Open In Linux

  1. Linux users can use the default web browser, Firefox or Chromium, as they often support .WEBP files.
  2. If not, you can install image viewers like GIMP or image conversion tools like Imagemagick to view and convert .WEBP files.

Open In MAC

  1. On macOS, you can use the Safari web browser, which natively supports .WEBP files. Simply drag the .WEBP file into a Safari window to view it.
  2. Alternatively, you can use image editing software like Preview, Adobe Photoshop, or third-party applications such as Xee or GraphicConverter to open and edit .WEBP files.

Open In Android

  1. Android devices can often open .WEBP files in their default gallery or image viewer apps. Locate the .WEBP file in your device’s storage, tap on it, and it should open.
  2. If the default app doesn’t support .WEBP, you can download a dedicated image viewer from the Google Play Store, such as ‘Google Photos’ or ‘Simple Gallery.’ These apps usually offer .WEBP support.

Open In IOS

  1. iOS users can open .WEBP files using the default Photos app. Locate the .WEBP file in your device’s storage, tap on it, and it should open.
  2. If you need more advanced editing capabilities, you can use third-party apps like Adobe Photoshop Express or Pixelmator, which support .WEBP files.

Open in Others

  1. For other platforms, you can use online conversion tools or viewer apps. Websites like Zamzar or Online-Convert allow you to upload .WEBP files and convert them to other formats or view them.
  2. Third-party image viewer applications that are platform-independent, like IrfanView, XnView, or PhotoScape, can often be used to open .WEBP files.

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