.WEBTEMPLATE File Extension

.WEBTEMPLATE File Extension

iWeb Template

Developer Apple

Average rating 3.5 / 5. Vote count: 2

Category Page Layout Files
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an WEBTEMPLATE file?

.WEBTEMPLATE files are used to store predefined structures, styles, and sometimes content elements that define the layout and design of a web page or a website. They are commonly used to maintain consistency in design across multiple web pages within a site or across different sites.

More Information.

Initially, .WEBTEMPLATE files were designed to simplify the creation of websites by separating design elements (like CSS styles, HTML structure, and often JavaScript components) from the actual content. This separation enhances maintainability and promotes consistent branding.

Origin Of This File.

These files originated from the need to streamline web design processes by allowing developers and designers to reuse standardized layouts and design elements.

File Structure Technical Specification.

  • Components: Typically includes HTML markup, CSS stylesheets, and sometimes JavaScript files.
  • Format: Can vary based on the web development platform or tool used to create them (e.g., Adobe Dreamweaver, WordPress, etc.).
  • Compatibility: Often designed to work seamlessly with specific web development frameworks or content management systems (CMS).

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using Web Development Software:
    • Open the .WEBTEMPLATE file in a web development IDE like Adobe Dreamweaver, Visual Studio Code, or any software compatible with your specific web framework (e.g., WordPress, Joomla).
    • Use the export or save as feature provided by the software to convert it into a format suitable for your needs (e.g., WordPress theme, HTML/CSS).


  1. Text Editors:
    • Open the .WEBTEMPLATE file in a text editor like Vim, Emacs, or Sublime Text.
    • Modify the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as needed.
    • Save the file in the desired format, such as plain HTML/CSS or for integration into a specific web framework or CMS.


  1. Text Editors:
    • Open the .WEBTEMPLATE file in text editors such as TextMate, Sublime Text, or macOS’s built-in TextEdit.
    • Edit the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components as required.
    • Save the file in the format suitable for your intended use, such as HTML/CSS or for a specific CMS.

Android & iOS

  1. Using Mobile Text Editors:
    • Transfer the .WEBTEMPLATE file to your mobile device.
    • Use mobile-compatible text editors such as iA Writer, Textastic, or similar apps that support editing of HTML/CSS files.
    • Modify the file content as necessary.
    • Save the file locally or transfer it back to your computer for further processing if needed.

Other Platforms

  1. Platform-Specific Tools:
    • Depending on the platform (e.g., specific web development environments, CMS platforms), follow the respective guidelines for converting .WEBTEMPLATE files.
    • Use platform-specific tools and software that support the import/export of web templates.
    • Ensure compatibility with the intended use case (e.g., WordPress themes, generic HTML/CSS templates).

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Promotes consistency in design across web pages.
  • Simplifies updates and changes to website design.
  • Can speed up the development process by reusing pre-designed elements.


  • May limit creativity if over-relied upon without customization.
  • Requires understanding of the specific web development platform or CMS for effective use.


Open In Windows

Open with any text editor (e.g., Notepad++, Sublime Text) or web development software.

Open In Linux

Similar to Windows, using text editors like Vim, Emacs, or specialized web development tools available for Linux.

Open In MAC

Text editors such as TextMate, Sublime Text, or macOS’s built-in TextEdit.

Open In Android

While not typically edited directly on mobile devices, .WEBTEMPLATE files can be opened on mobile text editors or transferred for use in mobile-compatible web development environments.

Open In IOS

While not typically edited directly on mobile devices, .WEBTEMPLATE files can be opened on mobile text editors or transferred for use in mobile-compatible web development environments.

Open in Others

Depending on the compatibility and the software used to create them, .WEBTEMPLATE files may be opened in specific web development IDEs or CMS platforms.

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