.XOL File Extension

.XOL File Extension

Swiss Map Overlay

Developer Swisstopo

Average rating 3 / 5. Vote count: 2

Category GIS Files
Format .XOL
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an XOL file?

he .XOL file extension is associated with Swiss Map Overlay files. These files are used in geographic information systems (GIS) and mapping applications to overlay additional data on Swiss maps, enhancing their utility for various purposes such as navigation, urban planning, and environmental analysis.

More Information.

These files were initially developed to provide users with the ability to overlay custom data layers onto detailed Swiss topographic maps, thereby enhancing the visual and informational capabilities of the maps for specific applications.

Origin Of This File.

Swiss Map Overlay files originate from Switzerland and are specifically tailored for use with Swiss topographic maps.

File Structure Technical Specification.

  • Format: .XOL files are typically binary files.
  • Data: They contain geographical and attribute data points that correspond to specific locations on Swiss maps.
  • Compatibility: Designed to work with GIS software that supports overlaying additional data layers onto maps.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using GIS Software:
    • Install and open GIS software like ArcGIS or QGIS.
    • Import the .XOL file into the GIS software.
    • Export or save the data in a desired format such as Shapefile (.SHP) or Keyhole Markup Language (.KML).


  1. QGIS:
    • Install QGIS, an open-source GIS software available on Linux.
    • Open QGIS and import the .XOL file.
    • Export the data to a compatible format such as Shapefile (.SHP) or GeoJSON (.GEOJSON).


  1. QGIS or ArcGIS:
    • Install QGIS or ArcGIS software on macOS.
    • Open the software and import the .XOL file.
    • Export the data to formats like Shapefile (.SHP) or GeoPackage (.GPKG).


  1. GIS Apps:
    • Install a GIS app on Android that supports .XOL files (check app features and compatibility).
    • Open the .XOL file within the app for viewing or conversion purposes.


  1. GIS Apps:
    • Install a GIS app on iOS that supports .XOL files (verify app capabilities in the App Store).
    • Open the .XOL file within the app for viewing or conversion.


  1. Specialized GIS Software:
    • For other platforms or specialized environments, use GIS software that supports .XOL files.
    • Follow similar steps to import, view, and convert .XOL files into desired formats.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Enhances the utility of Swiss topographic maps by allowing users to integrate custom data.
  • Facilitates detailed geographic analysis and planning.


  • Limited compatibility with software outside of Swiss-specific GIS applications.
  • Requires specific software knowledge for effective use and manipulation.

How to Open XOL?

Open In Windows

Use GIS software like ArcGIS or QGIS.

Open In Linux

QGIS and other open-source GIS tools are available.

Open In MAC

Similar GIS software like QGIS or proprietary options like ArcGIS.

Open In Android

Some GIS apps on Android may support .XOL files, depending on the app’s capabilities.

Open In IOS

GIS apps on iOS devices may also support .XOL files for viewing and analysis.

Open in Others

Compatibility may vary; use GIS software or converters capable of handling .XOL files specifically.

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