.XSC File Extension

.XSC File Extension

Visual Studio Dataset Internal Info File

Developer Microsoft

Average rating 3.3 / 5. Vote count: 12

Category Data Files
Format .XSC
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an XSC file?

The .XSC file extension is associated with Visual Studio and is utilized for storing internal information related to datasets. These datasets typically contain structured data used in software development projects, particularly in the context of .NET applications.

More Information.

Initially introduced as part of Visual Studio’s dataset functionality, .XSC files were designed to store metadata and schema information for datasets used in software development projects. They facilitated the integration of data into .NET applications and provided a means to manage and manipulate structured data within the development environment.

Origin Of This File.

The .XSC file format originated within the ecosystem of Microsoft Visual Studio, a widely used integrated development environment (IDE) for building various types of software applications.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.XSC files typically contain XML-based markup that defines the structure, schema, and other metadata associated with datasets. The specifics of the file structure may vary depending on the version of Visual Studio and the dataset configuration.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using Visual Studio:
    • Open the .XSC file in Visual Studio.
    • Manually extract the relevant metadata and schema information.
    • Convert or export this information to a format compatible with your desired application or platform.
  2. Using Third-Party Tools:
    • There might be third-party conversion tools available that can directly convert .XSC files to other formats. You can search for such tools online and follow their specific instructions.


  1. Using MonoDevelop:
    • Open the .XSC file in MonoDevelop, which is an open-source IDE for .NET development on Linux.
    • Extract the metadata and schema information.
    • Convert or export this information to a compatible format as needed.
  2. Custom Scripting:
    • Write a custom script using a programming language like Python to parse the .XSC file and extract the required information.
    • Transform this information into a format suitable for your target platform.


  1. Visual Studio for Mac:
    • Open the .XSC file in Visual Studio for Mac.
    • Follow similar steps as in Windows or Linux to extract and convert the metadata and schema information.
  2. Third-Party Tools:
    • Explore third-party tools that offer conversion capabilities for .XSC files on macOS.


  1. Custom Conversion:
    • Write a custom converter application in Java or Kotlin for Android.
    • Parse the .XSC file and extract the necessary data.
    • Convert it to a format compatible with Android applications.
  2. Utilize Server-Side Conversion:
    • If the .XSC file is part of a server-client architecture, you can perform the conversion on the server side and send the transformed data to the Android application.


  1. Custom iOS Application:
    • Develop a custom iOS application in Swift or Objective-C.
    • Implement logic to parse .XSC files and extract relevant data.
    • Convert or use the extracted data within the iOS application.
  2. Server-Side Conversion:
    • Similar to Android, you can perform the conversion on the server side and send the transformed data to the iOS application.


For other platforms or scenarios not covered above, the general approach involves:

  • Exploring if there are development tools or frameworks specific to the platform that can handle .XSC files.
  • Writing custom conversion scripts or applications tailored to the requirements and constraints of the target platform.
  • Utilizing server-side conversion if applicable and feasible for the given scenario.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Facilitates seamless integration of structured data into .NET applications.
  • Provides a standardized format for defining dataset schemas and metadata within Visual Studio projects.


  • Limited interoperability with non-.NET environments or applications.
  • Requires Visual Studio or compatible tools for meaningful manipulation and utilization.

How to Open XSC?

Open In Windows

.XSC files can be opened in Windows using Microsoft Visual Studio or any text editor capable of handling XML files.

Open In Linux

In Linux, you can open .XSC files using MonoDevelop or any text editor that supports XML parsing.

Open In MAC

On macOS, .XSC files can be opened using Visual Studio for Mac or any text editor with XML support.

Open In Android

Android does not have native support for .XSC files. You would typically need to convert the file into a format compatible with your Android development environment or use a compatible tool or IDE.

Open In IOS

Similarly, iOS does not directly support .XSC files. You would need to convert the file to a compatible format or use a tool that can handle .XSC files within an iOS development environment.

Open in Others

For other platforms or environments, opening .XSC files may involve similar steps as mentioned above, depending on the availability of compatible development tools and software. If there are no native tools available, custom conversion or scripting may be necessary.

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