.ZS5 File Extension

ZS5 File Extension

ZSNES Slot 5 Saved State File

Developer ZSNES

Average rating 4.3 / 5. Vote count: 3

Category Game Files
Format .ZS5
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an ZS5 file?

.ZS5 files are associated with the ZSNES emulator, specifically Slot 5 Saved State Files. These files store the exact state of a game at a specific moment, allowing users to save progress and resume gameplay later.

Originally designed for ZSNES, a popular Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator, .ZS5 files enable players to pause, save, and load game states seamlessly.

More Information.

The .ZS5 file extension was introduced alongside the ZSNES emulator in the late 1990s. Its initial purpose was to enable users to save and load game states while playing SNES games on computers.

This functionality revolutionized gaming by allowing players to pause, save, and resume gameplay at any point, enhancing convenience and flexibility in experiencing classic SNES titles.

Origin Of This File.

The .ZS5 file extension originated alongside ZSNES, one of the pioneering SNES emulators. ZSNES emerged in the late 1990s as a breakthrough for gaming enthusiasts, providing a platform to play classic SNES games on computers.

.ZS5 files were introduced to facilitate the saving and loading of game progress within ZSNES.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.ZS5 files contain a snapshot of the entire state of a game being played through the ZSNES emulator. This includes variables such as player position, level progress, item inventory, and other game-specific data.

The file structure is typically binary, reflecting the internal memory layout of the emulated SNES console. Specific technical details may vary depending on the version of ZSNES and the game being played.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .ZS5 files typically involve using the ZSNES emulator to save the state of the game in a different format, as .ZS5 files are specific to ZSNES. Here’s how to do it:

1. Open the Game in ZSNES:

  • Launch the ZSNES emulator on your computer.
  • Load the game for which you have the .ZS5 file.

2. Load the .ZS5 File:

  • Once the game is running, go to the emulator’s menu.
  • Look for an option like “Load State” or “Load Slot” and select it.

3. Save in a Different Format:

  • After loading the .ZS5 file, navigate to the emulator’s menu again.
  • Find the option to save the game state.
  • Depending on the emulator version, you may have the choice to save in different formats such as .SRM (SNES Save RAM) or .SAV (generic save file format).

4. Select the Desired Format:

  • Choose the format you prefer for the converted file.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the conversion and save process.

5. Verify the Conversion:

  • Once saved, confirm that the game state has been successfully converted by checking the saved files in the emulator’s directory.
  • Ensure that the converted file format is compatible with the emulator or platform where you intend to use it.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Convenience: .ZS5 files allow users to save and resume gameplay at any point, eliminating the need to replay entire sections of a game.
  2. Flexibility: Players can experiment freely within games, knowing they can revert to a previous state if desired.
  3. Compatibility: .ZS5 files are compatible across different versions of ZSNES, ensuring consistent functionality for users.


  1. Risk of Abuse: Some players may abuse save states to bypass challenging sections of games, impacting the intended gaming experience.
  2. Dependency on Emulator: .ZS5 files are only usable within ZSNES or compatible emulators, limiting their utility outside of this specific software ecosystem.

How to Open ZS5?

Open In Windows

  1. Ensure you have the ZSNES emulator installed on your Windows system.
  2. Double-click the .ZS5 file, and it should automatically open in ZSNES.

Open In Linux

  1. Install ZSNES emulator via your Linux distribution’s package manager.
  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing the .ZS5 file.
  3. Type “zsnes filename.ZS5” and press Enter to launch the file in ZSNES.

Open In MAC

  1. Download and install the ZSNES emulator for macOS.
  2. Launch ZSNES, then go to File > Load State, and select the desired .ZS5 file to open it.

Open In Android

  1. Install a SNES emulator app from the Google Play Store, like SNES9x EX+ or RetroArch.
  2. Open the emulator app, and navigate to the .ZS5 file on your device, and select it to load.

Open In IOS

  1. Install a SNES emulator app from the App Store, such as SNES4iOS or Provenance.
  2. Import the .ZS5 file into the emulator app using supported file transfer methods, like iTunes File Sharing or cloud storage services.

Open in Others

  1. Some cross-platform SNES emulator software may support .ZS5 files.
  2. Check the documentation or support resources for the specific emulator to learn how to open .ZS5 files on those platforms.
  3. If the emulator doesn’t support .ZS5 files directly, you may need to convert them to a compatible format before opening them.

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